Thursday, December 2, 2010

MegaMind Boards (2009)

Here's a sample from a sequence in which Titan turns the tables on Metro Man after noticing Metro Man's powers have been mysteriously weakened. He discovers why when he inadvertently steps on Megamind's disguise generator.

I thumbnailed this sequence on post-its. I like to do that sometimes because you can rearrange them easily and play around your shot order.


  1. great shot selection.

    amazing drawings.

    its just not fair...


  2. I have to say, your work is inspiring me and depressing me at the same time. A very strange dichotomy. Thanks for posting.

  3. WOW! these sketches are so alive. geez that's amazing... my mind has been blown. thank you!

  4. Aaron Hammersley said...
    I have to say, your work is inspiring me and depressing me at the same time. A very strange dichotomy.

    Aaron, it's a common problem with this one. Just have to look at the glass as half full, I guess.

  5. I'd never considered the post-it idea. So simple. So great!

  6. Done well? Done well? You have done awesome!

  7. the best storyboard-drawings I have seen in a L O O O O O N G

  8. The bouncing off the street shots are some of the most beautiful action gestures I've seen in a long time.

  9. Your work is so amazing I'm really impress by your talent.The posings,the rhythm,the composition,the quality of your drawings, everything is great!

  10. Simply fantastic work. Very happy to have come across this.

    Got a question... would anyone recognize what digital program
    this storyboards are created in??


  11. Contact & Details asked...
    What digital program were these storyboards created in??

    These boards were done on a Wacom Cintique using Adobe Photoshop.

  12. Thanks Toby - the pencil shading was what threw me a bit. Is that a add-on brush? I'm a live action storyboard artist and it's great to get a chance to try and adapt techniques from animators.

  13. Great movement and expression, can't wait to see the film

  14. Yah, still can't find a good substitute for the post it thumbnail approach. Love these boards!

  15. Awesome work! Megamind has become one of my favorite films of all time. Not only that but you also designed Darkwing Duck. Really really coincidental and amazing.

    Just a question, I noticed in the film; Megamind uses post-it notes on his projects. You mentioned you do sometimes with story-boarding. Was that idea born from your habit or no..?

  16. amazing. love the continuity and the action!!

  17. These are amazing! If you ever have the time, can you please post more Megamind storyboards? I love your gestures for this movie. :)

  18. This is the Ultimate Skill level that I hope to achieve someday. I wish I could just drain your knowledge with my Meg mind.

  19. great work toby...i'm your great fan of drawings.
